
博洛尼亚进程中的土耳其高等教育改革 被引量:7

Research on Turkey Higher Education Reform in Bologna Process
摘要 土耳其2001年成为博洛尼亚进程签署国之后,在高等教育领域进行了一系列改革,诸如深化学位结构改革,实现学位结构的进一步对等;启动伊拉斯莫项目及与其他国家签订高等教育双边合作协议,进一步加强人员流动与相关资格文凭的互认;制定"高等院校学术评估与质量发展"框架,建立全国性的高等教育质量保障机制;改革高校招生机制以及为学生提供更多服务,推进高等教育公平;出台《终身学习战略文件与行动计划》,推进终身教育发展等等。在改革进程中,土耳其一方面继续其等级制的管理传统,采用自上而下的决策路径,同时开始重视通过组织结构的设置以协调各方的利益表达。 Since becoming a signatory country of Bologna Process, a series of reforms have been introduced in Turkey higher education. Firstly, deepening the reform of degree structures to realize its compatibility with other European countries; secondly, launching Erasmus Programme and signing bilateral collaboration agreements to strengthen personnel mobility and diploma recognition; thirdly, laying out the frame of Academic Assessment and Quality Development in Higher Education Institutions to establish a national quality assur- ance system; fourthly, reforming admission mechanisms and providing adequate student services to increase equity in higher education; fifthly, unveiling Lifelong Learning Strategy Document and Strategy Action Plan to advance the development of lifelong learning. During the reform process, Turkey continues the tradition of a hierarchical structure whose charac teristic is up-to-down; on the other hand, it begins to take attention to stakeholders" opinions through some organizational arrangement.
作者 李政云
出处 《高等教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第7期104-109,共6页 Journal of Higher Education
基金 湖南师范大学青年学术骨干培养项目(09XGG19)
关键词 土耳其 高等教育改革 博洛尼亚进程 Turkey higher education reform Bologna Process
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