Objective: To exmine the epidemiological and clinical characteristics of hand-foot-mouth disease deaths case in Bei- jing 2010, to explore the risk factors of intensive case development of deaths case, to provide the treasures data for preventing and control hand-foot-mouth disease deaths case. Methods: Use monitoring data of hand-foot-mouth disease deaths case and case-control study,was analyze the characteristic of deaths case. Results: There were 18 reportrd hand-foot-mouth disease deaths case in Beijing 2010. 88.9% deaths case was from May to August; male female ratio of deaths case was 3.5:1; age of patients was less than 4 years old for all of the case;most case were reported in floating of urban-rural population community;more deaths case were seen in scattered children and non- local census register children,and the rate was 83.3% and 94.4%. All of deaths case were suffered fi'om rash, fever and mentally psychia- tric symptoms;overall mental status, respiratory function, and circulatory system were clear indicated. Compared with intensive recovered case, the risk factors of deaths case was infected with EV71 type virus (x2=4.774, P=0.029). Conclusion: Distribution of HFMD deaths case were consistent with severe disease.Prevention and control strategies should focus on the children under 4 years, especially those live in floating population community.
Progress in Modern Biomedicine
Hand-foot-mouth disease
Deaths case
Clinical features