为了提高AutoCAD绘图的工作效率、操作流程的标准化、研究参数化绘制方法及技术,结合Object ARX2008与Visual Studio 2008中的C#进行了AutoCAD的二次开发,使绘制人员在绘制的过程中,只需输入必要参数就可以由计算机自动插入与调整图块,从而大大提高了工作效率,并扩展了CAD二次开发的范围。
In order to improve the efficiency of AutoCAD drawing and standardize of operational process,this paper Study a parameterized drawing way and technology.The method combined ObjectARX2008 and C# in Visual Studio 2008 to proceed AutoCAD Secondary development.In the process of drawing,the computer will automatically insertion and adjustment the trademark block when the drawing person input the required parameters.Real applications show that the proposed method can greatly enhance the working efficiency.This system extends the scope of AutoCAD secondary development.
Computer Programming Skills & Maintenance