目的了解全国2008-2010年手足口病死亡水平和死亡病例流行病学特点,为防治手足口病死亡病例的发生提供科学依据。方法从中国疾病预防控制中心《疾病监测信息报告管理系统》下载2008-2010年全国手足口病报告病例进行描述流行病学分析。结果近3年全国手足口病死亡水平和死亡病例呈明显上升趋势,2010年死亡人数定基比高达718%,3年间均为男性死亡率高于女性。死亡病例的特征为发病到死亡时间中位数为3 d、死亡病例年龄小于未死亡病例、确诊时间长于未死亡病例、实验室诊断比例高于未死亡病例。死亡病例多发生在0~2岁,发生高峰集中在4-7月。全国连续3年报告死亡病例较多的省为广东、河北;连续2年报告死亡率较高的省(自治区)为海南、广西。结论我国手足口病死亡水平和死亡病例上升趋势的遏制有赖于防控措施的全面落实。及时就医、缩短确诊时间可为患者争取宝贵的救治时间。
Objective To understand the mortality and epidemiological characteristics of death cases of hand foot mouth disease(HFMD) in China from 2008 to 2010 and provide scientific evidence for the prevention and control of HFMD.Methods Descriptive epidemiological analysis was conducted on the incidence data of HFMD in China during this period collected from national disease reporting information system.Results The mortality as well as death cases of HFMD increased obviously from 2008 to 2010.The relative ratio with fixed base of death cases of HFMD in 2010 reached 718%,the mortality in males was higher than that in females.The median of interval between onset and death of the death cases was 3 days.Compared with recovered cases,the death cases were younger and had longer interval between onset and diagnosis,and the laboratory confirmation rate was higher among them too.Most death cases were young children aged 0-2 years and the peak of the death occurred during April-July.High death number was reported in Guangdong and Hebei for 3 consecutive years,and the high mortality was reported in Hainan and Guangxi for 2 consecutive years.Conclusion It is essential to fully implement the prevention and control measures for HFMD,seek medical service as early as possible and shorten the interval between onset and diagnosis to stop the increase of mortality and death cases of HFMD in China.
Disease Surveillance
hand foot and mouth disease
death case