
水资源需求管理研究分析与实施建议 被引量:1

Analysis and Strategy for the Demand Management of Water Resources
摘要 城市水资源管理工作重点必须从现有的以开发水资源为重点的供给管理转向以管理水资源为重点的需求管理,从可持续发展的角度来管理、规划、合理使用水资源。文章系统分析了水资源需求管理研究和实施中存在的诸多问题,对我国水资源需求管理现状及面临问题进行了归纳,给出了"大"水需求管理定义和措施分类方法,总结了重点研究方向的研究进展。最后针对存在问题,给出了我国水需求管理实施机理,以及政府管理、经济措施、技术支持、科学研究等4方面的实施对策。 Urban water management has to turn from water supply management which focuses on exploitation to Water Demand Management which emphasis is the management of water usage and to program, manange and utilize the water resources from sustainable development. The problems implementating water demand management have been analyzed and summarized and the defination, categories and some important reseach directions were put forward. Finally, the implementation mechanism and strategies of how to actualize water demand management have been presented from four aspects as government, economy, technology and scientific research.
出处 《水资源与水工程学报》 2009年第6期77-83,87,共8页 Journal of Water Resources and Water Engineering
基金 "国家建设高水平大学公派研究生项目计划"(2008637022) 加拿大安大略杰出中心(OCE Interact # IA EE10386-08)课题资助
关键词 水资源 需求管理 水资源可持续发展 water resources demand management sustainable development of water resources
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