选择怀孕母牦牛84头,在生产前后1个月进行补饲,其中40头在产后当年发情季节进行激素诱导发情试验,44头作对照;另选择60头自然生产的产后母牦牛在发情季节进行单纯的激素诱导发情试验,60头作对照。激素诱导发情方法是0 d注射氯前列烯醇0.2 mg,7 d后注射促黄体素释放激素A3 25μg,连续3 d;在0和7 d进行直肠检查和血样采取,血样进行孕酮测定;测定处理时母牦牛卵巢状态,观察母牦牛发情配种受孕情况。结果显示,通过直肠检查和血浆孕酮测定,发现无发情状态的产后母牦牛占产后牦牛的63.33%和65%,亚发情的产后母牦牛占产后牦牛的36.67%和35%。采用氯前列烯醇和促性腺激素释放激素处理方案进行诱导发情,26.67%的产后母牦牛在处理后出现了发情;对怀孕母牦牛在围产期进行补饲,产后母牦牛在发情季节采用氯前列烯醇和促性腺激素释放激素诱导发情,有45.45%的产后母牦牛恢复了发情,而只补饲不进行激素诱导发情的母牦牛只有20%的母牦牛出现了发情;通过孕酮测定发现2组中激素诱导发情成功的母牦牛中,有68.18%和72%是处于亚发情状态的母牦牛。结果表明,氯前列烯醇和促性腺激素释放激素进行诱导发情的处理方案适合于产后亚发情状态的母牦牛。
A total of 144 yak with histories of at least 90 days postpartum were subjected to rectal palpation and blood sample at least three times during the period of the treatment. The body condition score of each animal was also recorded. The animals were arranged into two treatments:84 yaks were given feed supplement in the peripartum period and then 44 yaks were treatment with administered prostaglandin F2,7d after 3 times injection of gonadotrophin releasing hormone in the estrus season(the first ten day of September), the other 40 yaks were not treatment with exogenous;60 yaks were treatment with prostaglandin F2a and gonadotrophin releasing hormone. At the same time 60 yaks were as the control for this experiment. The first estrus,total estrus and pregnant as an index of ovarian cycle recover were recorded. The yaks included either anoestrus or subestrus status. 63.33% and 65 % of anoestrous ratio,36.67% and 35% of subestrus ratio were revealed by rectal palpation and plasma progesterone concentration, respectively. The induction estrus test had done in postpartum 'yak by administered prostaglandin F2a 7d after with 3 times injection of gonadotrophin releasing hormone at the following day, and 26.67 % of postpartum yak had bred after induced estrus. Another group yak were given supplement feed during peripartum and then induced estrus or not during feed season. The results were showed that 45.45% of supplement and induction estrus postpartum yak had bred after induced estrus,and 20% of only given supplement feed yak during peripartum had bred in the breed sea son. The results of plasma progesterone test were confirmed that 68. 18% and 72% of estrus postpartum yak after induced estrus were in the subestrus status. The protocol of PGF2a combined GnRH is appropriate to subestrus yak for introducing estrus in the postpartum.
Chinese Journal of Veterinary Science
introduced estrus
anoest rous