为探讨番茄耐性品种的生理机制,以醋栗番茄、辽园多丽、红宝石和辽园红玛瑙4种不同基因型番茄为试材,比较研究了50,100,150 mmol/L的NaCl及等渗150 mmol/L单Cl-、单Na+溶液胁迫,对番茄苗期相对生长量、盐害指数、叶绿素含量、光合作用的影响。结果表明:随着盐浓度增加,4种番茄幼苗的地上部相对干鲜质量、相对株高、相对叶片数、光合色素含量、叶片净光合速率、气孔导度、蒸腾速率逐渐降低,盐害指数逐渐升高;通过各项指标鉴定醋栗番茄、辽园红玛瑙耐盐性大于辽园多丽、红宝石;等渗的NaCl及其单离子Na+、Cl-胁迫,Cl-离子伤害最小,Na+离子对番茄的毒害比Cl-离子敏感;4种番茄在50 mmol/L NaCl胁迫下光合速率降低的主要原因是气孔因素限制,其他高盐浓度胁迫则为非气孔因素限制。
The effects of NaCI(0,50,100,150 mmol/L) and Iso-Osmotic Na^+ and Clˉ ( 150 mmol/L) stress on the relative growth, the salt injury index, the content of chlorophyll and photosynthesis of four genotypes of tomato seedlings ( L. pimpinellifolium, Liaoyuanduoli, Hongbaoshi, Liaoyuanhongmanao)were investigated. The results showed that the relative dry and fresh mass of shoot, relative plant height, relative leaf number, content of chlorophyll, net photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance and transpiration rate of 4 tomato seedlings decreased gradually, the salt injury index increased gradually with increasing of salt concentrations. The tomato varieties of L. pimpineUifolium and Liaoyuanhongmanao held higher resistance to salt stress than the tomato varieties of Liaoyuanduoli and Hongbaoshi by comparing the correlative datum. Na^+ ion hurt on different genotype tomatoes was more impotent then Clˉ ion under Iso-Osmotic NaCl, Na^+ and Clˉ stress tomato seedling stage. The reduction of net photosynthetic rate under lower concentration NaCI (50 mmol/L)was the result of stomatal limitation, and non-stomatal limitation was the main reason for the decrease of photosynthetic rate under higher salinity in 4 genotype tomatoes.
Acta Agriculturae Boreali-Sinica