Objective: To discuss CT manifestations of urachal cyst in order to improve our knowledge of this disease. Methods: 16 eases of urachal cyst proven by surgery and pathology were retrospectively reviewed about their CT manifesta- tions with axial and muhiplanar reconstructed images, the emphasis was focused on its location, shape, size, enhancement- pattern and radiological features in Retzius space and its adjacent tissues. Results: All urachal cysts were located along the course of the urachus (n= 16) on the median line of Retzius space. There was no positive CT finding in 1 case of uraeha] cyst (n~ 1). Simple urachal cysts appeared as homogeneous oval-shaped or long cystic lesions with smooth inner wall and no enhancement after the administration of contrast agent (n= 4). Seven cases of infected urachal cysts manifested as cysts with thickening and enhanced wall,one case being complicated with urachal diverticulum. 2 cases of urachal cysts with fistu- la appeared as 0.5~2.0cm diameter tubiform or cord like structure between the umbilicus and bladder (n= 2). 2 cases of infected urachal cysts with fistula and abscess appeared as different inner diameter tubiform structures with marked en- hancement after the administration of contrast agent (n= 2). Conclusion=CT scans can demonstrate the location,shape, den- sity of urachal cyst and adjacent structures and provide reliable diagnosis for these pathological changes.
Radiologic Practice