
中国流域水污染防治规划问题与对策研究 被引量:15

The problems and measures of water pollution prevention and control planning for river basins in China
摘要 科学制定和实施有效的水污染防治规划,是改善中国流域水环境质量的主要措施之一。对中国"九五"和"十五"期间的流域水污染防治规划实施状况进行了评估,分析了规划制订与实施过程中存在的相关问题,提出了改进中国流域水污染防治规划制定和实施的相关对策。分析结果表明,中国重点流域水污染防治规划实施状况较差,突出表现为控制目标没有达到、投资额不能到位和项目实施率较低等现象。通过对制约规划实施效果的主要因素的深入分析,发现规划目标可达性较差、数据可靠性较低、规划技术方法以及监管体制、环境标准和法律法规等不完善问题是制约规划成功实施的关键性要素。针对上述问题,分别提出了规划体系、管理体制、投资方式、监督管理、标准体系建设以及法律法规完善等方面的改善建议与对策。 The scientific making-up and efficient implementation of water pollution prevention and control planning was one of the main measures to improve water quality of river basins in China. The implementation of water pollution prevention and control planning for river basins during the ninth and tenth five-year plan was evaluated, and the problems were analyzed. The results indicated that the water pollution prevention and control planning showed out such disadvantages as not achieving of control targets, delay and insufficient of invest, low efficiency of items implementation and so on. According to analysis of limiting factors to planning implementation efficiently, such problems as the achievement of control targets, data reliability, technical methods of planning, monitoring system, environmental standards, legislation and laws existing in current water pollution prevention and control planning were pointed out and corresponding improving measures were proposed, which would give technical support for scientific planning of water pollution prevention and control for river basins in China.
出处 《环境污染与防治》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第11期870-875,共6页 Environmental Pollution & Control
基金 全球环境基金(GEF)资助项目"海河流域水污染防治规划管理与产业结构调整战略研究"
关键词 水污染防治 规划 评估 对策 Water pollution prevention and control Planning Evaluation Measures
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