
海洋倾倒导致生态环境变化实例研究 被引量:17

Case study on the impact of marine dumping on eco-environment in Qingdao Dumping Zone
摘要 以青岛海洋倾倒区为例,研究海洋倾倒导致的海洋生态环境变化。根据1985~2003年对青岛海洋倾倒区及附近海域的调查资料,研究倾倒引起的海水水质、沉积物和生物种群的变化。结果表明,20世纪90年代海洋倾倒导致海水水质和底质沉积物受到一定程度污染,其它时段环境质量状况较好,这主要与倾倒的疏浚物中所含污染物有关。海洋倾倒导致生物种群结构发生了较大变化,浮游植物的许多优势种已不复存在,底栖生物尤其是多毛类的生物种类、生物量已经有了较大的降低。 The change of eco-environment in the Qingdao dumping zone was studied as an example caused by the marine dump. Based on the investigation data in the Qingdao dumping areas from 1985 to 2003, the study of the impact of the marine dump on the quality of seawater, sediment and the biological species showed that the dumping contaminated dredged material caused a certain degree of degradation to the quality of the seawater as well as sediment contamination in the 90 s. The difference of the quality of seawater and sediment is due mainly to the contaminant contained in the dredged material. The marine dump caused the huge change to the biological environment. For example, some predominant phytoplankton species do not exist anymore. The species and quantity of benthic fauna, especially polychaete species were decreased greatly.
出处 《海洋环境科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第5期413-416,421,共5页 Marine Environmental Science
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(40472137) 国家高技术研究发展(863)计划资助项目(2002AA634030)
关键词 海洋环境 倾倒区 污染状况 青岛 marine environment dumping zone contamination status Qingdao
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