
我国高校进行双语教学学生需具备的英语水平 被引量:212

A study to determine Chinese college students’ English proficiency required for bilingual education
摘要 本文验证了CET可以作为测量学生接受大学双语教学的一个主要标准。加拿大渥太华大学二十多年双语教学的成功经验表明,操法语的学生通过他们的英语水平考试(EPT),可以从双语教学中受益,达到提高语言水平和掌握学科知识的双赢。本文借鉴渥太华大学双语教学中需要考查学生英语水平的经验,通过对EPT和我国的CET进行同期效度研究,对我国高校进行双语教学的学生需具备的英语水平进行探讨。我们从3所不同类型的高校中随机抽选了301名学生作为被试,让他们在一周内参加EPT和CET测试。通过描述分析和相关分析,我们发现EPT和CET之间存在显著相关。此次研究结果显示,若学生在CET4取得优秀(以上)的成绩或通过CET6,他们就可以从双语教学中受益。 This study aims to test the hypothesis that CET scores can be used as a criterion for assessing students' language proficiency required for bilingual instruction programs at the tertiary level. Ottawa's more than 20 years' successful experience has shown that students who have passed their English Proficiency Test (EPT) can benefit from bilingual courses. In light of this finding, the present study attempts to determine the English proficiency required of Chinese college students for bilingual education by carrying out a concurrent validity study of the EPT and the CET. A total of 301 students from three different universities were randomly selected to take the EPT and the CET within one week. Their scores on the two tests were compared via a descriptive analysis and a correlational analysis. The results show that there exists a significant relationship between the EPT and the CET, thus supporting the hypothesis. The findings suggest that if the students reach an excellent level in CET 4 or pass CET 6, then they are likely to benefit from bilingual instruction.
机构地区 上海交通大学
出处 《现代外语》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第1期65-72,共8页 Modern Foreign Languages
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