
国外城市可持续发展探讨 被引量:3

Study On Overseas Urban Sustainable Development
摘要 城市是区域社会经济的核心,在区域发展中具有增长极的作用,因而对城市可持续发展的探讨已成为世界各国研究的热点.文章首先分析了城市可持续发展的概念和内涵,接着介绍了国外城市可持续发展的理论探讨和城市可持续发展的规划实践,最后论述了面向城市可持续发展的管理体制变革. Cities are the cores of regional society and economy and the growth pole of regional development, and urban sustainable development has been the hotspot of aeademic study all over the world. In this paper we firstly analyze the concept of urban sustainable development, then introduce theoretic probe and planning practice of overseas urban sustainable development. At last we discuss management system change facing urban sustainable development.
作者 谢守红 王振
出处 《邵阳学院学报(自然科学版)》 2006年第4期68-70,共3页 Journal of Shaoyang University:Natural Science Edition
基金 湖南省社会科学规划项目(05YB149)
关键词 城市 可持续发展 城市规划 城市管治 cites sustainable development urban plannlng city governance
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