本文对水性油墨废纸洗涤脱墨工艺的影响因素进行了研究。结果表明,水性油墨废纸洗涤脱墨的最优条件为:浆浓8%,碎浆温度50℃,碎浆时间10m in,pH=7,脱墨剂脂肪醇聚氧乙烯(7)醚(AEO-7)用量0.6%。在此条件下,洗涤法脱墨可以提高脱墨浆白度6.5%ISO,使残余油墨量下降了950.2mg/kg。AEO-7的洗涤脱墨效果优于六偏磷酸钠和十二烷基磺酸钠。
The parameters of washing deinking for old newspaper printed with water-based ink were studied in this paper. The results showed that the optimum washing deinking conditions were as follows: pulp consistency 8% , operating temperature 50℃, operating time 10min, pH = 7, alcohol ethoxylate with an ethoxylation number of 7 (AEO -7) was used as a deinking agent and the dosage was 0.6%. The results showed that at the optimum conditions the brightness of deinked pulp improved 6.5 % ISO and the effective residual ink concentration reduced 950.2 mg/kg, and the results also showed that AEO -7 achieved the better effects than sodium hexametaphosphate and sodium dodecylsulfonate.
Paper Science & Technology