
柴油机燃用二甲醚排放实验研究 被引量:8

Experimental investigations on the exhaust emissions from a direct-injection diesel engine fueled with dimethyl-ether
摘要 在ZS195直喷式柴油机实验台上进行了二甲醚的燃烧与排放试验,着重研究了甲醛及甲酸甲酯等非常规污染物的排放,并同时进行了常规排放物的研究.实验表明,DME燃烧物中HC的排放与甲醛的排放具有基本相同的规律:随平均有效压力的增加排放浓度下降.甲醛排放浓度与HC的排放浓度密切相关,实验数据表明,除少量数据外,HC的排放浓度与甲醛排放浓度呈线性关系.甲酸甲酯的排放与甲醛及HC无直接关系.同时,在DME的燃烧排放物中发现有微量甲酸甲酯的排放,但尚未发现DME燃烧排放物中有蚁酸存在. The combustion of DME and its exhaust emissions, emphasized on exhausts emissions of tiny pollutants, such as methyl formate (CH3OCHO), formic acid (HCOOH) and formaldehyde (CH2O), were studied on a test platform for a direct-injection diesel engine of ZS195. Conventional exhaust emissions were also investigated. The experimental results show that HC and methyl formate give almost the same emission characters under Break Mean Efficient Power (BMEP), namely both reduce with the increasing of BMEP. Formaldehyde is seen to have a good correlation to HC level in the exhaust. It is observed that the emission concentration of formaldehyde to that of HC is roughly in linear percent. Meanwhile tiny CHaOCHO is found under several operation conditions, but it is independent on HC emission. Formaldehyde is not found in the emission in this experiment.
出处 《华中科技大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第9期78-80,共3页 Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology(Natural Science Edition)
基金 国家重点基础研究发展计划资助项目(2001CB209207) 华中科技大学青年基金资助项目
关键词 二甲醚 污染物排放 甲醛 甲酸甲酯 dimethyl-ether (DME), pollutant emission, formaldehyde, methyl formate
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