The previous study by the authors revealed that the severity of low back and leg pain may not correlate to the size of disc herniation and in intra-operative .observations on several hundreds surgery confirmed that those patients with inflammation in their lumbar nerve rcots suffered froin severe radiculopathy. These phenomena seems to suggest that there could be a close pathogenetic relation between the radiculopathy and the inflammation of intracanal neural elements in lumbar disc herniation-In this study,the PL A2 activity was assayed in 20 disc samples removed at surgery for painful disc,and the correlation between the PL A2 activity in herniated discs and the severity of radiculopathy and the size of disc herniation was also investigated. The results could be concluded as follows: (1 )the level of PL A2 activity in herniated discs was much higher than it in blood and normal discs; (2)the severity of radicular pain significantly correlated to the level of PL A2 activity; (3)a higher level of PL A2 activity was found in the patients with obviously positive SLR test;(4)the size of disc herniation did not correlate to the PL A2 activity. The pathogenesis of radiculopathy was also discussed.Author′s address Department of Orthopedics,The 304th Hospital of PLA,Beijing, 100037
Chinese Journal of Spine and Spinal Cord