目的:探讨纳米材料安全性的必要性及其研究进展。资料来源:应用计算机检索Medline2000-01/2004-12有关纳米材料在医学及其相关领域应用及其安全性评价的文献,检索词“nano-particles,security assessment”并限定文献语言种类为English。同时计算机检索CBM2000-01/2004-12有关纳米材料在医学及其相关领域应用及其安全性评价的文献,检索词为“纳米颗粒,安全性评价”,并限定语言种类为中文。资料选择:对资料进行初审,选取包括纳米材料、纳米载体的文献,开始查找全文。纳入标准:①纳米材料对人体的健康影响。②纳米材料、载体及安全性评价。排除标准:①纳米材料人体外应用。②综述文献、重复研究文章。资料提炼:共收集到132篇关于纳米材料及其载体的安全性评价文献,纳入86篇符合标准的文献,36篇文献对纳米材料的人体影响及安全性进行了评价。资料综合:由于纳米材料的广泛应用,其可能带来的生物安全性方面的影响逐渐被认识和重视,从预防医学角度,根据宏观物质制成纳米材料后产生的理化性质变化,述了纳米材料可能对生物和人类存在的潜在阐性影响,并提出进行纳米材料安全性评价的必要性,以便于人类正确地认识和合理地应用纳米材料。结论:纳米材料安全性评价势在必行,但具体的评价方法及评价标准有待进一步研究。
OBJECTIVE: To explore the necessary and development of security assessment of nano-particles. DATA SOURCES: We searched the Medline database for literatures on the application in medicine and related circles and the safety of nano-partitles published from January 2000 to December 2004 with the key words "nano-particles,security assessment in English. Meanwhile, we also searched the same articles published between January 2000 and December 2004 with the game key words in Chinese. STUDY SELECTION: The literatures were selected firstly, and the articles on nano-particles and nanometer cartier, and then full-texts were retrieved. Inclusion criteria were ①articles on the effects of nanometer materials on body and ②evaluation on nanometer materials, carrier and reliability. Exclusion criteria were ①application of nanometer materials in vitro and ②reviews, repetitive articles. DATA EXTRACTION: Totally 132 literatures on nano-particles and security assessment of its carrier were collected, in which 86 articles accorded with the inclusion criteria, 36 articles about effects of nanometer materials on body and its reliability. DATA SYNTHESIS: With the extensive application of nano-particles, the influence on biology security was paid more attention due to the physical or chemistry character changes during the procedure from matter to nanoparticles on the view of preventive medicine. Its potential impact to biology and human beings was clarified. The necessary of security assessment of it was also emphasized in order to realize and use it correctly and appropriately for human. CONCLUSION: It is necessary to evaluate the security of nano-particles. However, the deep research of the method and standard will be carried out further.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Rehabilitation