
萃取预分离法分离富铕中钇矿新工艺 被引量:13

New separation process of rare earth mineral with middle yttrium and rich europium by pre-separation extraction method
摘要 采用一种新的串级萃取方式———萃取预分离法分离富铕中钇矿的新工艺。原料首先流入十几的三出口预先粗分离工艺,其萃余液La^Gd(TbDy)直接流入Nd/Sm工艺;中间出口流入(Gd)Tb^HoY(Er)Gd^Dy/Ho^LuY细分离工艺;出口负载有机相(Ho)Er^LuY流入Gd^Dy/Ho^LuY的洗涤段。结果表明,新工艺的粗分离工艺将占原料约70%的La^Gd(TbDy)预分离掉,使流入Gd^Dy/Ho^LuY工艺的稀土量减少约70%;由于Gd^Dy/Ho^LuY分组的萃余液GdTbDy含Ho2O3小于0.03%,省去原工艺的GdTbDy/HoY分离;新工艺的处理能力提高30%,酸碱消耗减少20%以上,贵重稀土元素Eu和Tb的存槽量大大减少。 A new pre-separation extraction method and a new separation process for the rare earth mineral with middle Y and rich Eu were introduced. The first step of the new process is a pre-separation extraction process of three outlet with number of stages more 10, the raffinate La-Gd(TbDy) directly flows into separation process of Nd/Sm. The (Gd)Tb-HoY(Er) of middle outlet is used as aqueous feed of Gd-Dy/Ho -LuY process, the extract loaded (Ho)Er-LuY directly flows into the scrubbing section of the Gd-Dy/Ho-LuY process. As a result, the pre-separation extraction process of the new process separates out the La-Gd(TbDy), and the content in raw material is approximately 70% from raw material, the feed flowing into Gd-Dy/Ho- LuY process decreases approximately 70%. Due to the Ho2O3 content in the raffinate of the Gd-Dy/Ho-LuY process less than 0.03%, the separation GdTbDy/ HoY of the GdTbDy(HoY) concentrate from original process is leaved out. While the process handling capacity with the new process increases more 30%, the consumption of chemical reagents including HCI and NH3 decreases 20%, the hold capacity of valuable rare earth element Eu and Tb reduces largely.
出处 《中国有色金属学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第9期1476-1481,共6页 The Chinese Journal of Nonferrous Metals
基金 江西省自然科学基金资助项目(0420053) 江西省教育厅科技资助项目([2005]93)
关键词 富铕中钇矿 萃取工艺 萃取预分离法 稀土 middle Y and rich Eu mineral extraction separation process pre-separation extraction method rare earth
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