Background: Cholelithiasis is a common disease worldwide and many epidemiological studies have shown that the incidence of cholelithiasis is rapidly increasing in the last decade. Aims: To provide reference evidence for decisionmaking in cholelithiasis prevention through analyzing the risk factors related to the increasing incidence of cholelithiasis in China. Methods: The results of case-control studies on risk factors of cholelithiasis in China published domestically and abroad from January 1978 to February 2004 were analyzed bv recta-analysis method. The pooled odds ratio(OR)and 95% confidence interval(CI)of the risk factors were cah'ulated. Results: The cumulative cases and controls were 3 145 and 3 812. respectively. Greasy food (2.49), meat diet (2.19), favoring of animal edible oil (2.19), favoring of animal viscera (2.20), having no breakfast (2.03). body mass index≥25 (1.95), hyperlipidemia (1.67), multigravidity (1.47), menopause (2.02), history of bilialy ascariasis (6.25). history of cholecvstitis (28.42), family history, of eholelithiasis (3.36), alcohol drinking (1.54). lack of exercise (2.39). taking contraceptive orally (2.50) were the main risk factors for cholelithiasis in China. Vegetable diet (0.42), nfilk drinking (0.43). deep-well water drinking (in the countryside) (0.51), sleep after 22 p,m, (0.55) were the protective factors for prevention of cholelithiasis. Conclusions: Improving the dietary habit, breakfast eating, milk drinkiug, deep-well water drinking (in the countlyside), body weight control, decreasing gravidity among women, decreasing of wine or liquor drinking, more exercises, and sleep after 22 p.m. are factors useful in prevention of cholelithiasis.
Chinese Journal of Gastroenterology