辛酸叶面喷洒处理影响了海桐新梢的生长和侧枝的发生。0.04M和0.1M的辛酸对顶芽无伤害作用,但影响新梢的生长。0.2M和0.27M的辛酸杀死了新梢的顶芽,诱导了侧枝的发生,其中0.27M的辛酸对植株产生严重伤害。2000、4000和6000ppm的PP333处理抑制了新梢的生长。其抑制效果因浓度增加而加大。0.04和0.2M的辛酸与4000ppm的PP333混合处理也强烈抑制了新梢生长。PP333处理以及PP333和辛酸混合处理可长期保持植株的造型。 辛酸处理的植株在处理后第二年可恢复正常生长,4000、6000ppm的PP333以及0.1M、0.2M的辛酸和4000ppm的PP333混合处理的植株在处理后第二年生长仍受到抑制,90%以上的枝条在春季诱导开花,并在夏初结果。 辛酸和PP333处理改变了海桐茎尖过氧化物酶的活性,处理的植株酶活 性的增加和减少与新梢或侧枝的伸长生长呈相反趋势。
Caprylic acid foliar spray affected the shoot growth and side shoot formation of Japanese Pittosporum. 0.04 and 0.1M of caprylic acid did not damage the shoot tips, 0.2 and 0.27M of caprylic acid killed the shoot tips and induced side shoot formation,but 0.27M of caprylic acid showed serious injury to the shoots. 2000, 4000 and 6000 ppm of Paclobutrazol treatment showed strong inhibition to the growth of shoots, the inhibitive effect increased with the increase of Paclobutrazol concentrations. Treatment with the combinations of 0.04 or 0.2M capry-lic acid and 4000 ppm Paclobutrazol also inhibited the growth of shoots, and the combination of 0.2M caprylic acid and 4000 ppm Paclobu-trazol induced small side shoot formation.
In the second year after treatment, the plants treated with 4000 and 6000 ppm of Paclobutrazol still showed inhibition of vegetative growth, and more than 90% of shoots of the plants treated with 4000 and 6000 ppm Paclobutrazol or the combination of 0.04 or 0.2M caprylic acid and 4000 ppm Paclobutrazol wereinduced to flower and fruit finally.
Caprylic acid and Paclobutrazol changed the activity of the peroxi-dase isozymes of the shoot tips. The changes of the isozymes activity showed negative correlation with the growth rate of shoots and side shoots.
The significance of using caprylic acid and Paclobutrazol as chemi-cal pruning agents to control the ornamental pcant shape and replace artificial pruning was discussed.
Acta Horticulturae Sinica