The trade deficit steadily accumulated in the United States and the depreciation of the US dollars have been the important roots that make the world economy falter. The more foreign exchange reserves the Economic Entity of East Asia holds, the more liable it is to become the hostage to the dollar standard. Once the dollar is occupied all along the line, the victim is not the United States but the governments and the investors in the foreign countries who hold dollars as property. Although we should be highly on guard against the impact of the upward revaluation of RMB exchange rate on China's international trade, the foreign capital absorption and the financial industry, it is not as serious as people imagine. Since the opportunity of the adjustment of the RMB exchange rate policy has come, government should take measures without any hesitation, shifting their attention from the US dollar exchange rate to the policy of the floating foreign exchange rate at the low frequencies. While adjusting the foreign exchange rate, the government should also promote the financial system reform as well as the market system reform.
Journal of Shandong Finance Institute