目的: 探讨中国HIV/AIDS患者HIV-1 Gag、 Tat、 Rev和Nef蛋白特异性CTL应答的特征.方法: 应用覆盖HIV-1B、 C亚型Gag、 Tat、 Rev和Nef蛋白的220个肽段作为抗原, 通过ELISPOT方法检测HIV/AIDS患者HIV特异性CTL应答.结果: 无论HIV-1B亚型还是HIV-1C亚型所构建肽库的应答强度和频率, 主要集中在Gag和Nef蛋白, Tat和Rev蛋白也有不同程度的应答.HIV-1 B、 C亚型间应答比较, 整体应答强度大致相同, 但免疫优势区间存在着一定的差异, B亚型Gagp24亚蛋白的288~313氨基酸区应答最强, 而C亚型Gagp24亚蛋白的155~181氨基酸区应答最强; 两个亚型免疫优势区应答频率最高的都是Nef蛋白106~143氨基酸区(48.1%). 结论: 中国人群CTL应答多集中在Gag和Nef蛋白, B、 C亚型间略有差异且存在交叉识别, 这对设计针对中国人群的HIV疫苗是有重要的意义.
AIM: To investigate the features of HIV-1-Gag-, Tat-, Rev- and Nef- specific cytotoxic T-lymphocyte(CTL) responses in infected individuals in China. METHODS: The HIV-1-specific CTL responses were analyzed with an IFN-γ ELISPOT assay by using 220 overlapping peptides spanning the entire HIV-1 Clade B(HIV-1B) and C (HIV-1C)Gag, Tat, Rev and Nef proteins consensus sequences. RESULTS: For either HIV-1B or HIV-1C, Gag and Nef were preferentially targeted by HIV-1 specific CTLs, Rev and Tat proteins were also recognized to different extent. In comparison of the immune responses between HIV-1B and HIV-1C, the magnitude and frequency were roughly identical but there were some differences in the immunodominant regions. For HIV-1B, the highest response magnitude was detected in 288-313 amino acids of Gag p24, and for HIV-1C, in 155-181 amino acids of Gag p24. The most frequently recognized region was located in 106-143 amino acids of Nef either in HIV-1B or in HIV-1C(48.1%). CONCLUSION: HIV-1-specific CTLs mainly directed against HIV-1 Gag and Nef in Chinese, and there is some difference between HIV-1B and HIV-1C. There exists the cross-recognition between the Clade B and Clade C. These data suggest that the study on HIV-1-specific CTL responses in Chinese will provide strategies for the vaccine design in China.
Chinese Journal of Cellular and Molecular Immunology
国际合作基金资助项目(NIAIDContractN01 AI 30024)