向警予深切同情中国广大妇女的悲苦地位 ,积极投身到为妇女争取自由的妇女解放运动中。她运用马克思主义观点 ,揭示了妇女受压迫的根源 ,主张妇女解放运动同国民革命运动相结合 ;高度评价劳动妇女在妇女运动中的主力军作用 ,积极倡导知识妇女与劳动妇女相结合 ;呼吁妇女团结 。
For deeply sympathizing with the Chinese women's low and sorrowful status, Xiang Jingyu joined the woman's liberation campaign actively. She disclosed the root reason why the women were pressured by applying Marxism to pratice, and protested that the woman's liberation campaign should be combined with the national revolutionary one. She highly appraised the working women's leading role in the campaign, and sparkpluged that the intellectual women should be associated with the working women. She appealed to the Chinese women to hold together, to build united front, and to strengthen the woman's orgnization.
Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University(Social Sciences)