水泥土搅拌桩在处理软弱地基中被经常采用 ,但其加固软弱地基土的效果受多种因素的影响。结合工程实例 ,采用静载荷试验、低应变动测及钻孔抽芯等方法 ,通过一定时间间隔的反复测试 ,分析研究了影响水泥土搅拌桩桩体质量和复合地基承载力的可能原因。通过工程实例可知 ,承载力在时间和空间上都存在差异。时间上的差异 ,可以考虑根据水泥特性和环境因素安排测试时间 ;空间上的差异 ,应考虑不同桩的强度和场地内不同区域土的物理和化学性质上的差异。
Cement-soil pile is widely adopted in architecture foundation.While its quality of strengthening soft soil foundation is affected by various factors.Then,according to a practical project,applying two sorts of test methods: static loading and low-strain dynamic loading,by two tests which span within a certain of time,some clause that possible affect the results of tests are drawed.According to the engineering,the difference is exist between time and space.The difference of time can solved by arranging time according to the proprety of cement and environment.In space,the question can solved by considering the strength of piles and the difference between physical and chemistry of pile.