目的 :测定含氟自酸蚀粘接系统和牙面酸蚀后涂氟对托槽粘接剪切强度和托槽脱落后牙面粘接剂残留量的影响。方法 :将 3 0个因固定正畸需拔除的健康前磨牙随机分为对照组、自酸蚀组和酸蚀后用氟组。将粘接完托槽的三组牙齿置于 3 7℃恒温水浴中保持 2 4h ,然后测定托槽的剪切强度及粘接剂残留指数。结果 :三组托槽剪切强度及粘接剂残留指数有显著性差异 ,但都达到临床需要的最小粘接强度。自酸蚀组剪切强度最高 ,且牙面粘接剂残留量最多。而酸蚀后用氟组的剪切强度最低 ,牙面粘接剂残留量最少。结论
Objective:The purpose of this study was to value the bonding effect of brackets with two methods of topical fluoridation(Self-etching orthodontic bonding and fluoridation after acid etching on enamel).Method:Thirty freshly extracted premolars were randomly devided into three groups:Group A(Self-etching primer +Transbond XT) Group B (fluor protector application after acid etching +Jingjin adhesive )and Group C(Jingjin adhesive was as control group ).The shear bond strength and adhesive remnant index were determined after 24 hours of water bath at 37 ℃. Stainless steel brackets were bonded in each test group . After bonding ,all samples were stored in distilled water at room temperature for 24 hours , hen tested for shear bond strength and adhesive remnnt index .Result:There were statistically significant differences among the three groups in both shear bond strength and ARI scores . The Self-etching group has the highest shear bond strength and ARI scores ,and the post-etching fluoridation group has the lowest shear bond strengthand ARI scores .But the shear bond strength of all groups reached the clinical requirement. Conclusion: Both self-etching system and post-etching fluoridation may be available to clinical use .
Journal of Clinical Stomatology
fluoride protector
shear bond strength
adhesive remnant index