1956年1月至1957年3月,作者在梁子湖进行了鳜鱼[Siniperca chuatsi(Basilewsky)]生态学的调查。材料主要取自梁子镇鲜鱼收购站。每月取材的次数自3次至10次不等,一般5次以上。在生殖季节,有时直接从渔船取得材料。材料取得后,除记录体长、体重外,还进行了性腺发育情形、胃内食物等观察,然后取下鳃盖骨,以作测定年龄之用。先后共解剖了360尾鳜鱼。
Investigation was made on this fish with reference to age and growth,stomach con- tents,spawning habit and embryonic development. The results of age determination based upon back-calculation of annual rings on the opercular bone,checked well with the body-length distribution-frequency curve of the catch. Growth rates for either sex from yearling to the 6th year are given. Stomach contents examination revealed that main food items consist of shrimps and various fishes,among which Carassius,Rhodeinae and Gnathopogon were dominant over others.With growth Siniperca tends to turn more to fish diet than to shrimps.How- ever,the fry of this fish feed solely on fry of other species as soon as they start feeding. Six maturation stages of the ovary were described.Stage Ⅳ,in contrast to condition found in Cyprinus and Carassius,lasts only for about one month before it passes on to the fully-ripened Stage Ⅴ. Breeding season begins from late part of May and extends to early July.Spawning occurs at water temperature not below 21℃.Breeders tend to congregate at places where currents are obvious.Fertilized eggs pelagic,take about 73 hrs.to hatch at a temperature of 21-24C. Discussion is made in connection with the promotion of natural productivity of this fish in Liang-Tze Lake.