
端面凸轮传动医用微动装置的设计和动力学分析 被引量:2

Design and Dynamic Analysis of an Edge Cam Gearing Micromovement Device for Medical Treatment
摘要 介绍了一种长骨干骨折治疗用微动装置的设计方案。该装置采用微型直流减速电机和端面凸轮传动 ,通过外固定架钢钉对骨折段施加载荷 ,从而定量地控制骨折端的微动幅度和频率 ,促进骨痴的形成和钙化 ,加速骨折愈合。端面凸轮 ,即凸轮的工作面在圆柱端面 ,端面凸轮传动结构紧凑 ,工作可靠。当传递的力较小时 ,凸轮的材料可以采用工程塑料 ,如聚四氯乙烯塑料。聚四氯乙烯与钢从动件的摩擦系数很小 ,仅为 0 .0 5 ,因此传动效率较高。对凸轮推程进行了模型分析 。 The structure of a micromovement device for treatment of diaphyseal long bone fracture was presented in this paper. Mini DC motor and edge-cam gearing is used for power transmission. This device can quantitatively control the interfragmentary movement,so as to improve the forming and calcifying of callus and to enhance fracture healing. Edge-cam's working face is at the end of the cylinder. Edge-cam gearing is compact and reliable. When transmission force is low,the cam material may use plastic. In this paper,we choose polyethylene as the cam material. Because the friction coefficient between polyethylene and steel is low,0.05 only,the transmission efficiency is relatively high. We also analyzed the pushing stage of edge-cam gearing by way of modeling,and checked the transmission efficiency and axial force output.
出处 《机械设计与研究》 CSCD 2004年第6期29-30,共2页 Machine Design And Research
关键词 端面凸轮 微动 外固定 骨折愈合 edge-cam interfragmentary movement extermal fixation fracture healing
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