针刺治疗焦虑障碍有较可靠的疗效 ,国内文献主要集中在对焦虑症、强迫症的治疗 ;在手段上 ,以电针为主 ;常用穴位有百会、印堂、神门、大椎、太阳等。但目前在许多方面有待改进 ,如在治疗定位方面 ,治疗重心应由传统的“心”转移到“脑” ,头部、督脉及其附近的腧穴应引起重视 ;在针刺方法上 ,头针与穴位注射疗法应予重视 ;在治疗策略方面 ,应强调辨西医之病与辨中医之证相结合 ;在研究方法上 ,应遵循循证医学的要求 ,对焦虑障碍的针刺治疗进行多中心。
Review of papers about acupuncture treatment on anxiety disorders since 1996 showed that many papers were mainly concerned with the treatment of anxiety disorders and obsession with electroacupuncture therapy. Baihui, Yintang, Shenmen, Dazhui, Taiyang,etc, were the most commonly involved acupoints. This paper argues that more emphasis should be transferred from 'heart' to 'brain', and correspondingly, should be put on acupoints at the head, the DU meridian and acupoints nearby in terms of the position of treatment, on scalp acupuncture and acupoint injection in terms of the methods of treatment, on the combination of diagnosis by western medicine and syndrome differentiation of traditional Chinese medicine in terms of treating strategy. As to the research method, evidence-based medicine, and multicenter, large sample randomized controlled trial study on anxiety disorders should be made.
Journal of Chinese Integrative Medicine