在不同温度条件下测定了胭脂虫 (DactylopiuscoccusCosta)一龄若虫、二龄若虫、成虫、雌成虫产卵前期及全世代的死亡率和发育历期。用直线回归法计算了各虫态及全世代的发育起点温度和有效积温。胭脂虫在 18℃~35℃范围内均可完成其世代 ,其发育历期随温度升高而缩短 ,确定胭脂虫的最佳生长温度为 30℃~ 35℃。测定了不同温度下雌成虫的体重和抱卵量 ,2 5℃下虫体最大 ,抱卵量也最大。
The rate of death and development duration of 1st instar ?2nd instar?adult female ?pre-oviposition and one generation of Dactylopius coccus Costa were studied under constant temperature. The developmental zero and effective accumulated temperature of different developmental stage and one generation of D. coccus Costa were calculated. When the temperature was raised and the developmental duration became short in a range between 18℃~35℃. The optimum temperatures for cultivating D. coccus Costa were found in a range between 30℃~35℃. The adult body weight and the number of eggs pregnanted per female were studied, and both of them are biggest at 25℃.
Journal of Shandong Agricultural University:Natural Science Edition