目的 探讨经验飞行员和新手飞行员在模拟定向飞行任务中眼动规律的差异. 方法 飞行时间≥1000 h(经验组)与≤300 h(新手组)两组共30名飞行员分别完成空间定向仪中坚信仪表飞行课目,并在此过程中佩戴眼动仪,同步收集各个眼动指标并记录各任务成绩.依据数据完整性和录制眼动视频的准确性,每组选取9名飞行员的数据进行分析.采用SPSS 16.0软件对两组飞行员的任务成绩、附加任务成绩进行独立样本t检验. 结果 飞行时间≥1000 h组任务成绩和附加任务成绩均优于≤300 h组,其差异具有统计学意义(t=2.387~4.731,P<0.05或0.01);注视频率、平均注视时间、眼跳频率、眼跳速度及平均眼跳幅度5个眼动指标,两组间差异均有统计学意义(t=2.212~5.601,P<0.05或0.01);在注意力分配上,两组间高度表、速度表注视时间百分比差异具有统计学意义(t=2.007~2.731,P<0.05). 结论 经验组飞行员比新手组拥有更高效率的眼动模式和更好的飞行绩效.
Objective To investigate the eye movement difference in orientation mission simulation between experienced pilots and novice pilots.Methods Thirty pilot subjects were divided into experienced group (flying hours ≥ 1000 h) and novice group (flying hours ≤300 h) and completed the spatial orientation mission by instrument flight.Subjects wore eye tracker to record eye movement data.Their performances of completing tasks were recorded and evaluated.Each group selected 9 subjects,according to the integrity and accuracy of sampled data,for the independent sample t-test comparison on task completion and additional task completion between groups by means of SPSS 16.0 software.Results The experienced group showed significant higher task performance and additional task scores than those of novice group (t=2.387-4.731,P<0.05 or 0.01).Such eye movement indicators as frequency,average fixation duration,saccade frequency,saccade velocity and average saccade amplitude showed statistical differences between groups (t=2.212-5.601,P<0.05 or 0.01).Distribution of attention in the relative fixation time (expressed by percentage) on altimeter and speedometer also showed statistical differences (t =2.007-2.731,P< 0.05).Conclusions The experienced group pilots have higher eye movement efficiency and better flying performance than novice group pilots.
Chinese Journal of Aerospace Medicine