Up to 1998, eight seasons of excavation have been carried out at the site by archaeol-ogists from the Institute of Archaeology of Hunan, bringing to light remains of city,moat, tomb, pottery foundry, house foundation, road, parts of a ship, rice field, etc.. The1992 and 1997 excavations ranked among the ten major archaeological events of the years.The present report on the winter seasons of excavation in 1997 and 1998 places its focuson the section of the city wall, rice field and altar. According to the excavated data, theearliest wall was built in the first phase of the Daxi culture about six thousand years ago.It is definitely the oldest city wall ever known. The rice field and irrigation system includ-ing pits and ditches were found. The lower rice field belongs to the Tangjiagang cultureabout 6500-6300 years ago as indicated by the unearthed potsherds and different scientifictests. The altar of an roughly oval form is related with five shallow round pits with un-known function well arranged on it, with some urn burials also on it, and more than fortysacrificial pits to its southeast and south. Judging by the unearthed pottery, the altarmust have been built in the first phase of the Daxi culture, no later than six thousandyears ago, and continued to be used until the second phase of the Daxi culture five thou-sand eight hundred years form present.
Cultural Relics