以土壤的诊断层和诊断特性为依据 ,以土壤发生学作指导 ,阐述了我国砂质新成土的系统分类。砂质新成土是新成土纲中具有砂质沉积物岩性的土壤 ,相当于我国过去土壤分类中的“风砂土” ,是指风成砂性母质上发育的土壤 ,其形成过程可以划分为 :流沙上的成土阶段、半固定沙上的成土阶段和固定沙上的成土阶段 ;具有细土累积、结皮形成和有机质聚集三个成土特点。砂质新成土的控制层段的深度标准规定为 1~ 2m。砂质新成土亚纲可以划分为 :寒冻砂质新成土、潮湿砂质新成土、干旱砂质新成土、干润砂质新成土和湿润砂质新成土等 5个土类 ,在土类之下 ,又可主要根据是否偏离中心概念、是否具有附加过程的特征和是否具有母质残留的特征 ,进一步划分为永冻寒冻砂质新成土等 2 2个亚类 ,并列有检索系统。最后 ,以砂质新成土的土类为单元 ,论述了其土壤分布、特征及其改造利用方向。
Based on the diagnostic horizons and diagnostic characteristics, with soil genetic theory as guide, the taxonomic classification of sandic entisols in China was discussed in this paper. Sandic entisols refer to the soils having lithologic characteristics of sandy deposits within entisol order, which are equivalent to the past aeolian sandy soils in China. It was the soils that developed on the aeolian sandy parent materials and its depth of control section was 1~2 m. The formation of sandic entisols could be divided into three stages: (1) mobile sandy soil stages; (2) semifixed sandy soil stages, and (3) fixed sandy soil stages. Meanwhile it had the following characteristics in the soil\|forming processes: (1) fine\|particle soil accumulation; (2) soil crust formation; (3) organic matter accumulation. Five soil groups, Gecpsamment, Aqupsamment, Aripsamment, Ustpsamment and Udipsamment were identified within the sandic entisol suborder. Under the soil groups, according to whether a category of soils deviates from the central concept of a group, or if they had some characteristics resulting from additional processes, permagelic gecpsamment etc. amounting to 22 soil subgroups were further divided. The above divisions are listed in a retrieval system. In the end, taking the soil groups as units, the soil distribution, characteristics and reforming utilization of sandic entisols were discussed in the paper.
Journal of Desert Research
中国科学院特别支持项目"中国土壤系统分类研究"(项目编号 :4983 10 0 4)研究成果之一